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Interviewer #1

In my first interview of the year, Patrick made it a lot harder than it needed to be by answering most questions by saying "Yes". In all seriousness, it was a fairly easy interview, given that me and Patrick are familiar with each other. Having only 2 in the group really wasn't that much of a difficult task as we just needed to figure out the rule of thirds beforehand. The audio also came out pretty well and made it easy to edit. B-Roll was also easy to put together because I'd just take photos from the internet and put it on the interview. One thing that I realized is kind of tough to do correctly is finding the perfect length for the B-Roll and making sure it doesn't take up too much of the interview. For my next one, I need to work on coming u with some better questions.

Interviewee #1

Being interviewed is much easier than being the interviewer solely because there is no pressure to come up with questions. In all honesty, Patrick did not do a very good job editing this video, as he pretty much just didn't edit it and left full clips in. He also has a bit of the end of him asking questions, which is kind of awkward. I thought that the camera work was actually pretty good, and the audio wasn't too bad either. Some of the B-Roll was pretty fitting too. One thing I would change would be the fact that I start pretty much every sentence with "Um" or at least think out loud. I could also give the interviewer more time after they ask the question so it is easier to edit.

Interviewer #2

In my second time as an interviewer I interviewed Logan. He honestly was pretty good at getting interviewed, it was pretty apparent as we got to the start of interviewing him. It was also pretty fun messing around while editing with this one. One thing that I noticed was the noise was not very good at all. One reason for that was the location of the interview, the air vents were making a lot of noise throughout the video. It was raining outside at the time, so we needed to find a spot inside. I definitely still feel like I could be better at asking questions.

Camera #2

I played the role of  DP in this interview and overall thought it went pretty well. I like the shot of Michael and the Rule of Thirds definitely worked well on this one. The same thing as last time happed: the audio was messed up from where we were, however it isn't the end of the world. It was impossible to tell that the noise would have been affected this much. Logan did a decent job editing, although I'm not sure if I am a fan of B-Roll without it covering the screen. This way it shows when the clips change. Overall it was pretty easy and straightforward.

Interviewee #2

Again, being interviewed was a breeze. The audio is still a little off  but we knew that by now, however the editing is pretty good. I felt like I did a good job answering the questions with precision and allowed Michael to have the ability to do whatever he wanted while he was editing. For my last one I really just think that I need to do what I did in this one. Lastly, I thought Mr. Herrington coming in and giving me a high five was a nice touch.

Interviewer #3

At this point I don't have a lot to say. This was a really good shot of  Ava and she was very good at getting interviewed. B-Roll was a piece of cake so there weren't really any setbacks. The audio isn't the greatest but after tooling around just a little it worked out fine. I added background music to this one just for fun, and I'm not sure if I like it or not. This one was very easy to do.

Interviewee #3

Again, by this point we all know what we are doing, and this interview session probably took at most 15 minutes. I definitely did my best job answering Colby's questions and made it easy for him to edit. One thing I noticed was that the glare from the sun probably wasn't too good for the looks and you can definitely tell that I was squinting a little. Sometimes the sun would be behind a cloud so it was hard to predict when we were setting up. One thing I liked about the way he edited was how he panned all the B-Roll. It added a more realistic feel, especially when pictures of mountains or anything like that made an appearance. Overall this was very well done by Colby.

Camera #3

To wrap it all up, this interview yet again was done very well, the sun didn't really play that much of a factor and Colby did a good job with the interview. Ava also did a great job editing. Reflecting on these interviews, I am definitely ready to step out of the classroom and get some other interviews done, and I am excited to interview Mr. McCoy.

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