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Our first official interview was a success. John, Logan and I interviewed the new Head Football Coach, and 25 year State Trooper, Tom McCoy. Also a father of 3 boys, two of which who have been at Burr and Burton and the husband to a teacher at our school. Logan set up the interview with Mr. McCoy, so we met him at his house and took the shot on his porch, which actually turned out to be really good. John was responsible for the camera, and I think he did very well as the shot was great. My responsibility was to be the interviewer and come up with questions to ask in the first place. I think I did a pretty good job allowing him to answer things in a way that we could use it in the video. A full eleven minutes of film was definetely enough as it took a lot to nail it down to 1:15. Editing this piece was actually pretty fun and I was really happy with his answers and how easy he made it for us to interview. Yes, there was some points where he stuttered but it wasn't necessarily hard to cut out. One issue we had was the audio, because we used the Rode mic it picked up on passing cars, but the audio overall was very good. What we did to cope with this is add a little bit of noise correction and then had background music, which made the video just a little bit more flow. Overall, this was a huge success and we were all very happy about the final result. We are excited to see how it looks when the news comes out and it was overall a great experience. 

This is one of your very typical news stories, covering the North Korea missile launch. The video was uploaded to youtube yesterday as it is something that is going on right now. This news story was very professional as it was done by CBS; I would expect nothing less. At the very beginning of the interview the Anchor stumbled on her words but did a great job recovering (while even acknowledging that she messed up), and in my opinion couldn't have handled that any better. They did a great job by also leading into the B-Roll by having commentary during the B-Roll itself. When they have the transition between the anchor and reporter they have the reporter wait a few seconds so that he can be fully on the screen. It is important that he is very articulate and enunciates his words well so that he can gan credibility with the listeners. The B-Roll while the reporter was talking was also effective as there were videos. not just pictures or maps. Another thing I noticed was that both the anchor and reporter were standing in the center of the screen and were looking right at the camera. Lastly, the transition from reporter back to anchor was pretty much the same as the first time, and they acknowledged each other, making it as close to a conversation as possible. In conclusion, this is ideally what we are striving for in this class, and I honestly think we can get to this point. After practicing these things myself, it is much easier for me to know what and what not to do.

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